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Publicity for Life - Make a difference!

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Project GreenED

Interview with the Mayor of Brusque

Nicholas Yonezawa and Paulo Eccel, the mayor of Brusque.


•  What do you think is the best way to promote Project GreenED throughout the city?

The media is essential in creating awareness of this project. Therefore, we will use all the tools available (press, by word of mouth, television, along with the Internet) to promote Project GreenED in our city and region.

•  Is there a way to get support from the private or public sector in Brazil in order to help the project?

Yes, we are in contact with CDL - Board of Directors - to assume the logistics for transportation of donated equipment to Brazil. There will certainly be the possibility to count in a partnership with other private and public sectors to help the project.

•  What are your views on Project GreenED?

I think this is exchange between these two worlds, Brazil - US is crucial. This nurtures the development of the actions already implemented and developed in our city between Brazil and US, but must always be reinforced, extended and scaled to meet the ever growing needs of everyone.

•  Is there a date that you would like to see the first shipment arrive?

We expect that by December we would have the first shipment.

•  Are there future plans for getting computers installed in other schools?

Yes, our mission is to achieve digital inclusion of all residents, especially the students of the municipal system of education. In this sense, we are in dealing with the Federal Government of Brazil to gradually deploy the UAC (translated to A Computer per Student) in the public school system.

•  Would you be willing to hold night classes in order to hold classes for people in the community?

The city has already initiated this type of work, and the community of Santa Luzia already has a core of Digital Inclusion. We want to extend this idea to other communities.

•  Would you be willing to train more computer teachers?

The city already has established a Computer Science program for teachers and professors.

•  Who would manage the network and maintain the equipment?

We have a team of knowledgeable IT specialists who can safely assume the maintenance of equipment.

•  How would you set up the computers? Set up 2-3/classroom or have a computer lab?

The ideal set-up is to have a dedicated computer lab at a school.

•  What are you going to do with the computers that are no longer needed/ at the end of their life cycle?

We already work institutions and companies that recycle computer equipment and/or reuse working parts. One example is ASSEVIM University, which has a computer recycling class that refurbishes computers and then donate them to associations that are in need.

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